Stories, Snaps, Streams – Keeping up with Social


Have you noticed a(nother) change to your Facebook mobile newsfeed this week? Yes, Stories have arrived and as many of you have commented, are significantly similar to Snapchat. Hang on a sec, Facebook Stories? What?! Similar to Instagram Stories and the whole premise of a ‘Snap’, they are short user-generated photo and video collections that can be viewed up twice and disappear after 24 hours. Watch the video, it’ll help defuse your ‘why bother’ reactions…and yes there are cynics amongst us, but think big picture folks and how the future of social marketing is really focussing on quick, emotive content rather than static messaging.

To learn more about Stories, I found this really interesting article for you.


Chances are if you are over the age of 20, Snapchat has not been top of your social list. However this ephemeral form of marketing is not going away. Big with retailers and businesses with a younger demographic, this fun ‘quick fix’ app is certainly one to be aware of. Read more about it via the good people at Hootsuite or watch the video below.


This is one area of social media marketing that I’m really excited by. Car vloggers unite (you know who you are – yes my fellow women in cars who vlog in between meetings or at school pick up from the comfort of your car seat!). Well, no more – Facebook has now created software to allow us broadcast from our desktops. 

Image via Facebook Newsroom.

Image via Facebook Newsroom.

I suspect Facebook are targeting the You Tube generation, attracting gamers to stream PC gameplay to friends and followers and engage with them while playing. It’s also going to be interesting for webinar producers. This new option allows you to create tutorials or how-to guides using streaming software to incorporate on-screen graphics, titles, and overlays.

Digital world domination – I see what you’re doing Zuckerberg. For more, here’s the update.


If all these updates are making you cross – eyed, don’t despair. Staying up to date with ALL the changes that happen daily in digital is a full time job. Who’d ever get any work done if you JUST focussed on the updates?

Bananas from FutureDeluxe on Vimeo.

Remember the Social Sanity Rules to save yourself from going bananas.

1. Know where your audience are engaging socially and be there.
2. Post consistently – commit to a regular posting plan, check your analytics and be online when you audience is online.
3. Don’t spread yourself too thin – if you can only manage one channel, stick to one channel and work it well.
4. Allocate time every week and focus on content creation and scheduling. Turn everything else off and tick off that list.
5. ALWAYS think twice about posting IF you are a) tired b) cranky or c) had too much

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