Today is the first day of Spring. Hooray! For us Southern Tasmanians, there is a palpable sigh of relief that winter is (finally) behind us.
I have to say, Hobart is putting on quite the show today with the skies a deep blue and the air sweet with fresh blossoms. This shot from the studio this morning gives you a pretty good picture. Beauty in simplicity!
This sense of ‘newness’ and the renewed sense of optimism is a wonderful time for businesses to ‘check-in’ on their progress.
If you fancy a quick Spring Clean – then let me share 3 ideas to help you reignite your why.
1. Get Insightful
So many clients under utilize the FREE data that social media platforms provide. Did you know you can tell when your audience is online, where they are located and what kind of posts they have connected with recently? All this information (and more) will help you develop your content plan and tweak any areas that may not quite hit the mark.
2. Forage for Feedback
We all know the power of Word-of-Mouth but do we actually gather reviews for self-promotion? Reviews and positive feedback are so powerful for business so reach out to existing customers and ask them to share their experience with you. You can promote the Review section of your Facebook page or simply ask them a specific question. That way it makes it easier for your client to reply. Use the reviews and turn them into memes or add them to the homepage of your website and newsletter!
3. Collaborate and Connect
Small businesses more often than not have a tiny budget for marketing. Therefore we need to get creative with how we augment our voice online. Think about connecting with like minded businesses – consider joining forces on a competition or pop-up experience. Pool your resources and you’ll not only increase your database but learn a whole heap from each other too!
Digital Dandy has been nominated in Category 3 and 6. If you feel we deserve a little end of year reward, you might consider lending us your vote!