Facebook Marketing Tips: Increase Your FB Likes and Engagement

Many businesses have realized the need to increase FB Likes and engagement of their pages with the spike in the number of connected users of Facebook. True enough, the boom in the use of social media platforms like Facebook has paved the way to success for advocates and online businesses alike.

The pattern observed today is to make a buzz about what a specific Facebook page is about, make it go viral and trending, increase FB likes and increase FB engagement.

If you own a Facebook page and wants to leverage the power of this social networking site for your business growth, follow these simple marketing tips to increase your Facebook likes and engagement.

Create good content

Creating content to post on your FB pages is not just about simply posting anything that might be related to your niche. Your content must be informative and highly entertaining. Most successful FB pages have used the style of capturing the attention of its target audience by using hilarious captions or shocking headlines.

Remember that in order to increase FB likes, your content must be highly shared among interconnected Facebook users. People will share your posts if they find your content interesting and worthy to be read.

If you find it hard to create content from scratch, there are many online social media managers that you can hire to help you create useful and well-researched content for your page. Also, Facebook has a postdating function in which your posts can be published at a later date. You can learn to maximize this so as to post fresh content regularly.

Use Call to Action Buttons

Facebook has improved a lot in making it easier for business pages to grow their audience by making an available various call to action (CTA) buttons. Call to action are simply click on buttons set up on social media pages to entice engagement among the audience.

Examples of these call to action are:
1. Like
2. Share
3. Message
4 Visit website
5. Sign up
6. Call us
7. Shop now

It is not enough that your content is shareable and interesting. You want your audience to act on that interest and engage with your Facebook page.


Avoid your audience getting bored from your page’s content by putting up a variety of posts like videos, graphics, and audio files or even outside website links. Mix up content types so that there will always be something new to look forward to your page.

If you sell thru your Facebook page, you may include buyers’ testimonials and customer reviews as content.

Interact with the audience

One engaging feature of FB is Facebook Live. You may opt to do this to involve your audience face to face and get their witty feedbacks live! Plan your broadcast date and time and engage with your audience. For example, if your page is about DIY stuff, you may do an FB live demonstration of how to create DIY stuff.

Another way to interact with the audience is to encourage comments. Reply to the comments on your posts, answer messages, and be responsive.

Show some love

One sure fire way to increase FB engagement is to give away free items like e-books or sample items. You may use this as a platform so that more people will tag and comment on your posts and share the news about giveaways to their friends. Make your audience feel loved by giving them a taste of what your page is about for free.

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