Color Psychology: The Secret of Successful Business Website

Color Psychology: The Ultimate Secret of Successful
Business Website

Our world is filled with a beautiful array of colors. Life would
be gloomy and uninspiring without colors. Truly, colors are significant
elements in our lives.

Unquestionably, one of the first things we notice is color. And
it directly influences our buying actions.

When it comes to choosing the color for your business success, there is an
important key element you need to consider . . . the psychology of color.

Do you know colors have a psychological effect on all of us?
Colors generate a strong emotional response from people. Colors can influence
behaviors, responses, and moods of your audience.

Around 84% to 86 % of shoppers said that color is the main
reason for their purchase. That is a fact!

It goes without saying that color psychology is used widely in all the fields.
From household items to company’s logos and website design, color is the key
feature that delivers a strong message to buyers, visitors and users.

The perfect blend of colors on your website encourage your
audience to think and communicate with your company. Using color psychology is
an important component of your website and may play an important role in the
success of your business.

What You Need to Know About Color Psychology

Color psychology is the study of colors and the effects color has upon us.

Did you know that different colors arouse different feelings and actions in
people? Colors can change our opinion, change our mood, alter our senses and
impassion our thoughts. Colors have the power to convince us to make a certain

How to add meaningful colors to your website

Red – Passion,
love, and urgency. Red is the perfect choice to encourage a visitor to act on
your product or service offerings.

Orange – Energy, cheer, and vitality. Orange is a “fun” color to
use on a website geared towards a more youthful audience and energetic brands.
To learn more about sensational orange click here.

Yellow – Optimistic, cheerful and competent. Yellow is a
delightful color; however, some shades may appear cheap. Make sure to use good
design to eliminate an appearance of poor quality.

Green – Nature, freshness, and riches.
Green can be a paradox. It may provide a relaxing effect or demonstrate
financial success. Green is ideal for the natural senses or wealth and

Blue – Trust, reliability, and communication. Blue is usually the preferred color for
branding and advertising, because of its versatility. Be careful with shade
selection and avoid if it is overused in your industry.

Purple – Mysteriousness, spirituality and royalty. Purple is
preferred by a female audience. Using purple creates an impression of luxury,
wealth and extravagance.

Lighter shades of purple are feminine and nostalgic.

Pink – Compassion, affection, and love. Though pink is feminine,
the level of intensity affects its meaning. It is used widely to brand
companies with a primarily female audience. 

A hue in the same family as Good and Plenty pink is the preferred
color for Social Status

Black – Elegant, mysterious and protective. Black is a color of
opulence and is widely used for luxury brands.

White – Simplicity, purity and minimalism. White is stark, which
is often used to convey a clean and modern quality.

Gray – Subdued,
quiet and reserved. If your brand is authoritative and mature, gray adds an
elegant look like black. When combined with other colors, a hi-tech look can be

Choosing the right website color palette is crucial to your
website’s success

The right color palette for your website can drive your audience
to act. Here are some inspiring website color palettes that
will help you in making the correct choice for your business website.

Website Color Palette That Creates Excitement

If your business caters to brands for kids, creating a website
that interests kids will also likely excite them. They in turn will push their
parents to buy the clothing or other items featured on your site. An exciting
website color palette can translate into sales!

Website Color Palette That Inspires Loyalty

There are two colors that are great for establishing brand
loyalty and building staying power – blue and green. These colors have a
universal appeal for both men and women. 

By adding these two colors in your website, the percentage of
acceptance and loyalty is increased.

Website Color Palette That Suggests Reliability

If you want to convey reliability and responsibility, color
choices are somewhat limited. As you wish to display stability, the overall
visual appearance is best toned down.

Avoid using bright color palette as it may come across as too
brash and may undermine a more serious field of business, like insurance,
financial services or retirement planning. The neutral colors of black, brown, and gray colors
suggest gravity for these serious matters.

At the end of the rainbow

As a business owner, you need to provide incentives to convince
your visitor to follow you, communicate with you, and most importantly,
purchase from you.

Social Status is a very creative
digital marketing agency
 that has a great understanding and
vibe for the perfect color choices! Choosing the right color palette for your website is
a key element to its success. Take the time to determine which website color
palette complements your brand and encourages support for your business.

Tag: business website marketing color psychology success design

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