Timmins Ray PR – Top Tips for Strategic Communication during Covid-19

From left, Greg Ray LFPRIA, Jacquie Ray MPRIA and Romany Brodribb MPRIA

I have been lucky enough to work with PR Consultant Romany Brodribb and the Timmins Ray team on Festival of Voices and we often discuss communication, emotional intelligence and the power of connection.

Timmins Ray Public Relations is a Hobart-based firm specialising in strategic communication, crisis and issues management. Over the past weeks – and in quickly evolving circumstances – Greg, Jacquie and their team have been providing its diverse client base with specialist advice to assist them in navigating the changing social and business landscapes and to effectively communicate these changes to both internal and external stakeholders.

Romany, (pictured above right) took a few minutes to share some very useful tips to consider when navigating your communication strategy. This advice works for your social media content, newsletters, phone conversations and any media interviews you may be required to deliver. I’m very grateful to her for sparing a little time to share this advice.

Timmins Ray’s 3 Top Tips for strategic communication during the Covid-19 pandemic:

Always remember the 4Cs: Be calm (in your tone)Be caring (in your approach)Be considered (in your communication); and

Be confident (in your delivery). 

Make certain your sources are credible and your facts correct. If in doubt, always refer to information provided on the Tasmanian Government’s site: www.coronavirus.tas.gov.au 

Above all else, make sure your messages are clear—don’t leave it open to interpretation. For example, it’s critical that organisations nominate one person to deliver all its messages. Audiences are being saturated with information, so the chosen spokesperson should communicate clear, confident and consistent messages,  tailored to its audience, across all platforms (digital or otherwise). 

So whether you are a sole trader or leading a large team, these three tips and the 4C’s will work in any situation. We wish you the best as you navigate these murky waters…

If you require more guidance, please email Timmins Ray at info@timminsray.com.au or for Digital Ready support call 1800 955 660 or visit Digital Ready/Covid-19


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