Dear Metter: How Should I Plan Content For The New Year?

Dear Socially Confused,

It’s the time we’ve all been waiting for. It’s officially time to put 2020 in the rear view. It’s not a new concept to set goals for the new year, but I think this year, more than ever, people have been looking forward to new beginnings. Whatever your goals may be, we’re here to tell you it’s time to #crush them! And although we’d love to advise you on how to tackle all of your resolutions, our expertise, of course, lies in one specific category — social media. 

How To Amp Up Your Social Strategy in 2021

If one of your 2021 goals is to #GlowUp your social, you’re not alone! There are many ways that you can be more intentional with planning your social media content, so let’s dive in.

Establish Your Brand

So whether you already have branding or not, it is always important to take your branding into consideration when planning your content. If you’re reading this and thinking, “Oh crap, I don’t know what my brand is,” this is a great place to start. Develop your core colors, logos, assets, and maybe even a nice Lightroom Preset to create cohesion and unity on the feed. Incorporating these elements into your content helps create a strong sense of brand identity.

Create Content Calendars

One of the best ways you can be sure you are creating consistent & awesome content is to create Content Calendars (also known as Media Calendars or Editorial Calendars). Creating calendars helps you take a look at the bigger picture and can help guide your content around your brand goals, Holidays, National Days (ex: #InternationalWomensDay), and more. 

Plan Out Your Feed

Do you ever look at a feed and think, “How do they get this to look so perfect?” #Same. The answer is, typically, that that person or company is planning out their posts before they post them. Going beyond planning the idea and captions for posts, is to map out your photos & graphics in a mock-grid beforehand so that you can see how your posts will actually look on your feed when you post them. A few ways to do this are: 

  1. Create a simple grid in Google Docs/Word
  2. Create a grid in Photoshop/Illustrator
  3. Use some content planning apps (Ex: Planoly, Plann, Preview,UNUM, InstaGrids, etc.)

Schedule Your Posts / Set Alarms

It is important to consistently post on social media. How often you post really depends on your brand. Determine a schedule and stick to it! Setting alarms or scheduling posts is a great way to stay on track.

Utilize Stories

In addition to posting on your feed, be sure you are giving your audience the real, authentic you! Posting on your Instagram story helps create an even deeper connection and gives you the space to be raw & real.

Ready, Set, GO!

You are now all set to take on social media content strategy in the new year! Comment below with any tips & tricks you might have!

Want a beautiful, cohesive social media feed but don’t have the time? Let Metter Media’s Creative Team take it off your hands. We’ll develop a carefully curated aesthetic that matches your unique brand and website, complete with 3-5 easily editable templates that you can use yourself. Learn more about our Social Branding Package and email us  to set up a complimentary consultation call today!

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