Reels vs. IGTV: What You Need To Know

Instagram released Reels in August 2020. IGTV was available in June 2018. With Instagram increasingly moving towards providing more video entertainment for its users, how should you know when to use which feature? What are the benefits of using Reels over IGTV or vice versa? We will be breaking down all the details that matter for your business below!

What are Reels and when to use them

Instagram Reels is where you can share short-form video clips. It is designed to be quick video entertainment where you can film yourself with music on Instagram, add filters, and splice clips together.

FYI, the key difference between Reels and Instagram Stories? Discoverability. While Instagram Stories are typically only seen by your existing followers, Reels can be seen by your potential followers. More on that below!

Reels are best used for content such as:

Short Behind the Scenes clips/Timelapses
Quick Tips & Tricks
A Simple Product Showcase
Something Funny/Heartwarming
A (Quick) Tour

As Instagram continues to push Reels to its users with their recent app update (which makes it easier for you, your followers, and potential followers to watch Reels), it has quickly become identified as a key tactic to get your Instagram account in front of more people. So if you are thinking about using Reels, now is the best time to get started!

What is IGTV and when to use it

IGTV (Instagram TV) is where you share long-form video clips. You would utilize IGTV (the app) to share more detailed videos. Since IGTV does not provide the same in-app editing features as creating Reels does, you will need an external video editing app on your phone/computer to make your video stand out.

IGTV is best used for content such as:

Creating a Series
Re-sharing of Lives
In-Depth Product Showcase
Telling a Story

Unlike Reels, where the Instagram algorithm may put your video in front of potential followers, IGTV does not have a similar amount of real estate in-app. While others can still discover your IGTV video on their IGTV app, it hasn’t been linked to increasing exposure on the account itself (unless it can go viral). Therefore, IGTV is best used to showcase something to your current followers.

TL;DR: Key Differences between Reels and IGTV


Reels: 15-30 seconds
IGTV: 1-15 minutes


Both can be re-shared on your Feed and Instagram Stories.
Both can add a cover photo to fit into your Feed’s aesthetic, should you choose to share.


Reels: Currently does not provide any insights outside of what can be seen publicly: views, likes, and comments.
IGTV: Provides basic insights like views, likes, comments, shares, and saves.

Editing Options:

Reels: Has in-app features but you can create Reels outside of the app and then upload without using any in-app features; user-ability of these in-app features have generally not been received well by Instagram users.
IGTV: No in-app features so it would require an external video editing software.


Reels: Has in-app real estate to provide daily users opportunities to discover your brand (Reels has its own tab in the bottom bar, but some Reels are also shown on the Explore page.)
IGTV: Can be discovered in their separate IGTV app but harder to go Instagram “viral”

February 2021 Update: Reels Algorithm Changing

It was recently reported on The Verge that the Instagram algorithm for Reel will now be deemphasizing Reels that have the TikTok watermark. Citing user experience as the primary reason for this update, spokesperson for Instagram Devi Narasimhan also mentioned that they are using a ranking system to “help us predict whether people will find a [R]eel entertaining and whether we should recommend it.”

What does this mean for businesses?

This means Instagram is really pushing Reels and making it their focus. Even though Reels has been available for almost 6 months, the ability to be discovered by new followers has not diminished. In fact, this change might be the exact excuse you and your business need to start utilizing Reels! The only downside is if you are attempting to grow your business on both Instagram and TikTok, this will mean needing to be twice as creative and having a team who can provide relevant content for both platforms (like Metter!).

Even with the update, does Metter have a preference?

We do not!

At Metter, we believe in trying anything and everything for our clients and their followers. However, if one feature makes more sense for the content than we will always act with the client’s and the community’s best interest.

Looking to learn more about social media marketing and how you can use it for your business? Contact us for a free consultation today: or 617-294-6295.

The post Reels vs. IGTV: What You Need To Know appeared first on Metter Media | Boston Social Media Management.

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