4 Ways to Make Your Valentine’s Day Marketing Campaign Irresistible

This February 14, we’re feeling the love. Our clients, our team, the open road ahead filled with possibilities: there’s so much to celebrate.

Confucius wrote “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life,” and we definitely got that memo. When we come to work, our team is energized, motivated and we know how to have fun. We exchange ideas, we roll up our sleeves, and we laugh. 

And all because we love what we do. 

But the thing about love is that it’s for sharing. So, we’re divulging some tips on how to win at Valentine’s marketing for your business. 


You’re up against some stiff competition in the crazy world that is social media. All that chatter means that potential and existing customers are scrolling non-stop until they find something to catch their eye. 

Here’s the thing: most of us are visual creatures. This means that to grab attention and hold on to it, quality images are important. Anything bland is going to be lost in the mix. 

Visual marketing involves GIFs, memes, animations, graphics, and more. 


You’re not like all those other guys. You’re different. So, tell your customers what you’re all about, and what makes you stand out from the crowd.

Avoid the obvious roses and candy this Valentine’s Day and think outside the heart-shaped box. Go for a fresh, original angle. 


This Valentine’s Day, step out of your comfort zone and do something new. You need to do something special if you want customers to swipe right for you. 

What about a Valentine’s sale? Using a code (such as LOVE 2022) at the checkout for a percentage off – who doesn’t love a deal?

Perhaps a Valentine’s event? Don’t be afraid to just go for it, heart-shaped pizzas are optional. 


Love is a two-way conversation. Why not ask your social media followers a question and see the replies rolling in. It could be funny: tell us about your worst date. It could be heartfelt: tell us who you’d share this amazing prize with. 

You don’t need to pen a love letter, but a Valentines themed newsletter thanking your loyal customers is always a winner. Perhaps you’ll inspire them to click on your website again for a fresh look, or even leave you a glowing review. 

Our pride, our passion, our love

You’ve heard about our big, bold results, right? We’re proud to click ‘send’ on the success stats every month as we show our clients just how well their marketing is going. 

Everyone has a passion. Ours is creating marketing people love. We love designing logos, branding, and sleek, functional websites that impress. Clever marketing and witty content gets our pulse racing. 

A match made in heaven

This valentine’s day at Hashtag Creative we’re sending love to our loyal clients. Thanks for believing in us and for collaborating with us.  Thanks for allowing us the honor of handling your website designs and marketing. Thanks for the five-star reviews and referrals. 

But the real kudos this valentine’s day goes to our dedicated, talented team who love what they do. And oh, how it shows.

Do you manage the marketing for your business, but find that you don’t have the time or expertise? We would love to help. 

Digital marketing takes pride, passion, and love, and we’ve got enough to go around.

So, we’ve just got one question for you this Valentine’s Day. ❤  Will you be mine?

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