Strategy & Benefits of SEO Localization

Strategy & Benefits of SEO Localization

SEO, referred to as search engine optimization, is a process that helps improve a site by increasing its visibility so that the products and services related to the business reach out to people through search engines.

The better the visibility of the page, the more it will attract potential customers. SEO is considered an important part of digital marketing, since the entire base of digital marketing depends on brand awareness and visibility, both handled by SEO.

Search results are generally the primary source of traffic for the marketing channels. SEO experts require to keep themselves updated since the results keep on evolving every year.

SEO is generally implemented in a holistic marketing ecosystem, so it is important to learn how it works. In order for SEO to work, there are certain things to be kept in mind, like website perfection for bots to crawl and check, indexing, page analysis, keyword promotion, understanding algorithms, and ways of optimizing pages. 

Strategy & Benefits of SEO Localization

There are different types of SEOs; if a company is looking forward to expanding their market, then SEO localization and learning SEO strategies are just as important.

There are 4-5 main types of SEO wherein On-page, Off-page and Local SEO are the most commonly used ones. Although various companies and MNCs prefer not to invest in local SEO, there are different advantages.

It helps to make the company or business more visible among the local customers and clients. This strategy helps to perform well in the targeted market.

Understanding why local SEO is important 

Local SEO, better known as local search, is an integral part of SEO strategy that helps the company or the business target their audience, customers, and clients based on a specific geographic location.

To put it in a simple way, local SEO focuses on improving the ranking and visibility of a website on a local scale. This is a form of organic SEO, which helps to improve the website rank in an organic way. The organic listing provides an excellent opportunity for local businesses to appear as local content among the searchers.

Now, it might come as a question, how does local SEO help big companies or MNCs?

We understand that since local SEO is generally preferred and used by SMEs, and local businesses, MNCs using it can be of question. However, it is simple, there is no issue for an MNC to be famous among the local netizens as well. Although local SEO tends to limit the search results to a selected geographic location, it can help a company rank in the local market among the searches.

Having a pragmatic approach toward digital marketing is something that is highly required since it helps to promote the business not just at the local but also global level.

Local SEO and visibility boosting

Dealing with digital marketing and making a website user-friendly and SEO-friendly can be overwhelming. Thus, it is important for companies to initially begin with local SEO as it helps to reduce the competition and excess digital marketing ranking pressure.

When launching a company or a business in the market there is usually a lot of pressure regarding the success and failure of the company, on top of that, no one needs extra pressure from digital marketing. Therefore, the essential part of boosting visibility can be taken care of by promoting the company on a local scale.

Localizing the website not only provides comfort to the customers but also allows the company to work at a lower range. It not only allows the marketer to have some time to experience but also provides a native user experience to the customers.

We know that local and organic SEO are both interconnected and here are a few things one must know before proceeding with it. 

What is local SEO?

Local SEO is the local practice of SEO, that helps with business listings, higher rank, and visibility. Since a search engine’s mission is to deliver the best reply to queries, the algorithm intends to detect the local results.

SEO localization can improve your page visibility by including the keywords in the content that help rank the page and business. Although search habits of people differ from place to place, origin to origin, they tend to remain similar in localized searches.

By understanding the algorithm, creating unique content, and understanding the search result of the audience one can optimize their page and improve visibility.

After learning about local SEO it is now time to finally discuss its importance.

  • Most people, according to a survey on Google, conduct local searches. With smartphones being the ultimate necessity and a great invention, people search on those devices. With the user’s permission granted on location, no matter what the searches are, the smart device tends to point towards local results. 
  • Since most people look for local searches and review local businesses before making a decision. It helps them in case of emergency or issue, where they can quickly contact the company and expect service due to localization. 
  • Google determines local ranking on the basis of profile relevance, prominence, and distance of the company.

So, based on the surveys and reports we can suggest that local SEO can be beneficial for all companies, irrespective of their brand identity or employee base.

Now it is time to understand how to improve the local search presence. 

  • Entering complete data of the company to be in favor of the relevant search results. 
  • Verifying locations, keeping working hours accurate, and managing the response and reviews in Google my business. 
  • Adding more and more photos and products of the company
  • Allowing Google to know about the distance of the company along with its presence and relevance. 

With the following steps and mentioned ways, one can improve their local presence on Google and make people aware of their company and service. However, many other things are necessary and are considered a vital part of organic SEO, which is keyword localization.

Strategies & Benefits of SEO Localization 

As we have mentioned SEO localization previously we can now simply state the well-known, old-fashioned strategies.

However, we will be presenting totally different and cost-effective ways of localizing SEO content. Apart from website translation and keyword research, several other things can help promote the local version of a company’s website.

Here are a few important steps to your strategy. 

Strategies & Benefits of SEO Localization 

Preparing source text

Preparing a source text is the very first step that comes when a company or a business is deciding on creating SEO localization. The process of preparing source text includes taking care of the chosen keyword’s density. The keyword density is recommended to be kept below 3%. Digital marketing, SEO, and such things are generally content-driven, so it is important to take care of the content and prepare it flawlessly. It is also important to check that the content does not contain any local connotation in spite of the SEO localization strategy. Make sure to use the chosen keywords in a productive way; optimally distribute keywords instead of keyword stuffing. 

Preparing source language

English being a widely spoken language can be the language for the source text. It not only serves on a local level but also on the international level. The source language not only includes the process of determining the language of the text but also the relation between the brand and the chosen keywords. Whether they are informative, productive, and characterize the business, is important to determine.

Performing proper keyword research

Targeting a particular source language and writing on a relevant topic requires not just topic research but also proper keyword research. It is important to create contents that are further connected with the product or service that is being promoted. Thorough keyword research is mandatory, it is also important to analyze the keywords and their search volume on a local scale to understand the target base. 

Understanding the local clients and customer base

Especially for local SEO, it is important to understand the local market and the audiences the company or the business will be catering to. People from different regions of a country, prefer different things and have their own type of language of communication, in order to target them it is important to understand their perspectives. Thorough market research is important to determine the demography and the things they are interested in. Narrowing down the target base and analyzing the market can not only be easy but also effective. 

All things say till now it is time to understand how content and keywords can be localized and used in a proper way.

Finally, after evaluating the entire process and understanding how to localize the contents of the website to target them to a particular audience, the benefits can be discussed. So hold onto your horses, interesting topics are loading. 

Keyword Localization 

Simply translating keywords from their original context is not enough, since ensuring a solid SEO strategy for the target market is also important. That said, one of the main strategies can be multilingual keyword search.

Don’t worry you need not note it down, there are far more important strategies that we are going to discuss, so get buckled up for them. There are mainly two types of keyword localization, one where the company or the business is limited to the particular locality or the state, and the other where the company focuses on a particular country.

The small startup companies are generally the former and the MNCs who are looking for market expansion and opening their branches in other countries are considered the latter. For both types of localization, there are a few common strategies for keyword localization.

We are focusing more on keyword localization due to the obvious reason that people search with keywords, once you understand their search pattern it becomes easy to target. 

Keyword Localization 

Language and location-based keyword search

Looking for a list of keywords that includes the product and service of the company that not only differentiates but also creates a brand identity is important.

So, one must keep an eye on the SEO in the target audience’s language. Languages, dialects, and words keep on changing from country to country and even within a small location. It is necessary to understand the language of the targeted location and provide location-based keywords, for better reach. Never assume keywords, always take out time to conduct market research. Keyword localization involves adapting your audience to your content in their preferred language.

Understand audience perspective for content creation

A part of localization or rather a keyword localization involves understanding the audience and their perspective. Based on the country o the location of the country, it is important to conduct market research to learn more about the people and the clients. Choosing the right keyword for localization means keeping the audience in mind.

Understanding their language and their community needs is what helps in proper keyword localization. For example, there is no use in opening a gold store in a poor country or locality and conducting its SEO, therefore market research is a must if you want to save yourself from risk. Research about the market, its audience, and consumers and then proceed with the SEO and localization. 

Competitor research

In order to excel in the market it is important to keep an eye on your competitors. Effective keyword localization can be done with not only help from software, but also by analyzing the market competitors. Analyzing your competitor’s website can help you understand their strategies. Since SEO is crucial, it is important to achieve a proper SEO with research, help, or analysis.

Ultimately your goal is to reach the right audience who can turn into potential customers. These steps can help you not only understand the market but also get an understanding of the audience’s perspective which helps in the long run. 

Understanding Metadata

Working with websites, blogs, and articles we have reached the position where we know the meaning of the terms meta title and meta description. But for people who don’t know and are new to this field, meta title and description are potentially the first things that the audience finds about the website, even before opening the website link.

Here is a tip for content writers and webpage managers regarding the meta title and description; make it catchy and clear, and also keep the keyword as the priority. Meta title and description are together known as metadata of a webpage.

Uses of metadata and why is it considered important for SEO? 

Since metadata is the first thing that appears to the audience even before the page loads, it is what helps people to get an idea about the website and its services. It is considered a vital component for SEO and setting a strategy.

The metadata not only boosts visibility but also affects the overall search ranking. While considering SEO localization, it is important to localize the metadata as well.

Although localizing the metadata is considered critical with several limitations and constraints, it is still considered an important aspect. It is important to add a creative touch to the metadata on a local level so as to compel the audiences. Localized metadata helps in market expansion and provides liberty to the audience to search and SEO experts to create strategies.

Furthermore, it is important to learn how the things discussed above affect SEO service and the overall SERP rank of the webpage. 

SEO Services & SERP Ranking 

SEO Services & SERP Ranking 

Local SEO affects the SEO services in a way that the visibility of the traffic that is attained by the website is limited to the local reach. People outside the local zone can also view which can increase brand awareness but the services that are being provided by the company or the business won’t be of any use to them.

Although this limits the global audience view, it can still be managed with organic SEO.

Organic SEO helps to increase the SERP ranks of the website. Since the Google algorithm separates local and organic results, local businesses that only focus on local SEO strive to convince google that even they deserve a proper SERP rank.

Therefore, it is advised by digital marketers that in order to achieve a proper SERP rank, one must focus not only on SEO localization but also on organic SEO. Since Google determines the SERP ranks based on three things, proximity, prominence, and relevance, it is important for websites to take care of all three.

With proper effort surrounding these three aspects that Google determines, helps the website to achieve maximum visibility which eventually increases its SERP rank.

SEO localization is considered a great way of achieving a high SERP rank since Google filters the entries of the audiences on the basis of the three aspects. Once proximity, prominence, and relevance are settled, it qualifies the tag of organic SEO and receives a proper SERP rank on google. 


Businesses and websites that are listed on google my business, which appear even on google maps have a higher chance of getting brand awareness, visibility, and high SERP rank.

With SEO localization, companies can not only appear on the local pages, and local search results but also drive a lot of traffic to their page. So, with this, we have reached the end of our discussion.

Hope we were able to cover all the important aspects of SEO localization, its effects, and benefits in detail for you to understand and have a good grasp.

Author Rahul Chowdhury

This is Rahul Chowdhury, Managing Director, and CO founder of Jet Web Solutions Pvt. Ltd, and is in the business of web development and designing for the last 8 years. Parallelly he is also fond of the growing industry of effective content and digital marketing and always looking for more. Everything that is technological can’t be kept behind.

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