Inbound vs. Outbound Marketing in B2B: How to Make the Best Out of Both

Why do so many B2B companies kick off with outbound marketing? The answer’s pretty straightforward: quick results without blowing the budget. However, as businesses evolve, mixing in some inbound tactics seems to be the secret sauce for steady growth. In the ever-evolving world of B2B, I’ve found that it’s not about choosing between inbound and outbound. It’s about merging the beats of both to create the perfect harmony. That’s exactly what we adhere to in our marketing strategies at Belkins

So, let’s see how to get the best of both approaches. But first, let’s delve into the specifics of each.

Hitting the Road: Outbound Marketing

Outbound marketing focuses on reaching out to potential customers directly via channels like targeted email messages, trade shows, seminars, and cold calls. Especially in the B2B sector, this approach effectively targets decision-makers in specific industries or market segments. It is like driving your car through the city streets, deciding precisely where you want to go. You take the initiative, map out your route, and head directly to your destination. 

It’s crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of your product and the market to offer targeted propositions to the right audience.

Roadblocks in Outbound Marketing

Here’s a dose of honesty: outbound isn’t always smooth sailing. Every strategy has its challenges. Here’s what many companies typically face with outbound:

Keeping up: Market trends can change. Fast. Adapting is the key.

In-house team limitations: Sometimes, there’s just not enough time or personnel to get things done efficiently. Lack of expertise and well-built infrastructure is also an issue. 

Data troubles/inaccurate lead lists: A bad contact list can cause more harm than good, damaging brand reputation.

Long sales cycles: Turning a prospect into a customer can sometimes be a waiting game: from 2 to 9 months to convert them into customers, depending on the specific market. 

Lower closed won conversions: With outbound, building trust and relationships often takes a bit longer than with inbound marketing.

Unpacking the Strengths of Outbound Marketing

Outbound marketing remains a powerhouse in the B2B sector, renowned for its targeted outreach, swift outcomes, tailored interactions, and unmatched potential in relationship-building and lead generation. Let’s delve into these compelling benefits further:

Immediate impact: Outbound strategies can generate leads and conversions quickly for some industries and specific products.

Precision targeting: It allows for highly specific targeting: industries, companies, and decision-makers.

Boosted brand visibility: Techniques like advertising and trade shows amplify brand awareness. By promoting your product to a precise audience, your online brand presence strengthens.

Market extension: Many companies use outbound to identify and engage with untapped markets or audience segments.

Exploring Outbound Marketing Strategies in B2B

Outbound marketing isn’t a one-size-fits-all. Cold emails, LinkedIn outreach, cold calls, live events: each method offers unique advantages. With 14 years of experience managing marketing teams, I want to focus on one of the most successful strategies I found valuable, especially in B2B: cold emailing.

Cold emails: Not Just Another Email in the Inbox

Gone are the days when cold emails were merely generic sales pitches sent to everyone. Today, it’s about creating meaningful conversations right from the first interaction. They’re scalable, reliable, and tailored — a perfect fit for B2B marketing.

Contrary to popular belief, these aren’t random, unwarranted emails. Today’s cold emails focus on personalization, offering genuine value, and addressing the prospect’s unique pain points. Remember, it’s not about pushing a product; it’s about starting a laser-focused conversation. 

BenefitsChallengesHyper-personalizationData qualityScalabilityDelivery hurdles due to spam filtersForecastable workflowIntensive competition, especially in software development and digital marketing industriesLow open/response ratesLimited knowledge of in-house sales teams

B2B Inbound Marketing Explained

B2B inbound marketing is about creating content that potential customers find valuable. Instead of pushing your products or services, you’re pulling them in with solutions to their problems. Think of it as becoming a magnet, drawing customers in with content that speaks directly to their needs.

Did you know? 80% of businesses are diving deep into content marketing, using it as a prime way to generate new leads. And 74% believe the value they offer in their content is the main driver of their success. This isn’t about simply putting out any content. It’s about truly understanding and addressing what your audience is looking for.

The Hurdles of Inbound Marketing

Time-delayed results: Inbound channel initiation might require some time before yielding tangible conversions.

Initial investment: Be prepared for some upfront costs, but think of it as a long-term game plan.

Inefficient teams’ collaboration: It’s crucial that marketing and sales teams are in perfect sync to get the desired results.

Strategy is crucial: Without a well-defined strategy, you might find the leads you generate aren’t quite right for your business.

Unpredictable outcomes: Since a lot depends on market demands, results can sometimes be surprising.

Benefits of Inbound Marketing

Enduring impact: The beauty of inbound is that it’s evergreen. Good content will keep working for you, attracting and converting prospects long after it’s been published.

Scalability: As your business scales, your cost per lead through inbound methods actually goes down.

Driving interest: Leads from inbound channels often have a higher likelihood of converting into deals.

Hot leads: By nurturing prospects through the sales cycle, you streamline the process for sales reps by presenting them with leads eager to purchase.

Remember, it’s all about finding the right balance. While educating your audience is paramount, a touch of brand promotion is also necessary. The aim? Tell a story. Make it compelling. Draw your audience in while also educating them.

Top Channels of Inbound Marketing

 Let’s take a look at the examples of how to implement an inbound marketing strategy.

1. Blogging: The Voice of Your Brand

In the digital realm, a blog serves as the voice of your brand. Think of it as a platform where you impart knowledge, share updates, and engage with your audience. A well-maintained blog establishes your presence in the industry and positions you as a thought leader. The ripple effect of consistent, high-quality posts can translate to organic traffic, brand trust, and increase ROI by 13 times.

BenefitsChallengesQuality lead boostContent qualityLead nurturingInability to adaptNetworking & collaborationLack of writersSlow results

2. Paid Ads: The Fast Way to Visibility

Want to jump to the digital forefront? Try paid ads. Whether through Google Ads, Facebook promotions, social media, etc., these campaigns provide immediate visibility.

Over 60% of digital expenditure is on paid channels.


By leveraging targeted demographics, interests, and behaviors, you can reach your desired audience directly.

BenefitsChallengesImmediate resultsExpensive channelWarm leadsInability to precisely identify the prospects’ pain pointsCost controlNiche-specific targetingScalabilityNarrow semantics

3. Email Marketing: Connecting in Clicks

Email marketing remains the most cost-effective marketing channel, with a remarkable 36x return on investment. I’ve always appreciated the personal touch an email offers. At Belkins, we prioritize using email marketing to reach our customers and achieve our business goals. It’s personal and direct. While other platforms may rise and fade, the inbox stands firm, making email marketing a go-to strategy. From newsletters to automated campaigns, it’s an intimate space to engage with your audience and guide them down the sales funnel.

BenefitsChallengesCost-effectiveness with high ROIEmail deliverability issuesA perfect channel for lead nurturingKeeping your audience engagedProper segmentation of your audience

4. Social Media: The Key to Long-term Profitability

For me, SMM is like a bustling marketplace, always alive with conversation. Among the various platforms, LinkedIn stands out as a B2B fuel, enabling not just sharing but generating genuine interactions and networking. It’s a realm where relationships flourish, not just content generation. Did you know that 97% of B2B marketers depend on LinkedIn for their content marketing strategies? At Belkins, we harness the power of LinkedIn campaigns in both our internal marketing efforts and to foster business expansion for our clients.

BenefitsChallengesCost-effectivenessDifficult to measure effectivenessCredibilityAlgorithm changesLong-term effect

5. Video Marketing: Captivate, Connect, Convert

In an era of diminishing attention spans, videos rise as captivating storytellers. A video can convey complex messages simply, making it an engaging medium to reach out. The statistics speak for themselves:

78% of video marketers reported video has directly boosted their sales.


BenefitsChallengesFlexible content typeDefining the right channels Cumulative effectSetting up and optimizing productionBoosts other content channelsLarge investments

6. Webinars: Lead Generation Channel

Webinars are where knowledge meets networking. They provide an opportunity to delve deep into subjects, offering attendees value while positioning your brand as an industry expert. Furthermore, the interactive nature of webinars makes them a potent tool for lead generation and relationship building.

Nearly 73% of B2B webinar attendees become qualified leads.


BenefitsChallengesEducational way of delivering your messageStanding out in a vast circle of professional webinarsPositioning your company as an industry thought leaderDriving enough attendeesAdding new leads to the top of the sales funnelEnsuring regular technical maintenance 

Outbound vs. Inbound: Picking the Right Strategy for Your Business

Choosing between inbound and outbound isn’t a one-size-fits-all decision. Often, the most effective strategy weaves both approaches together. 

But how do you decide the right mix? Here’s my journey in making that decision:

Asses the market. Your ideal customer’s preferences matter. Where are they? How do they consume information? A sneak peek into your competitors’ tactics can shed some light.

Evaluate market size. Navigating a smaller market? Then don’t just swim in the deep end with a full-fledged inbound strategy. A touch of direct outreach might just do the trick. But if you’re dancing on a larger stage, rich inbound content will help you stand out amidst the crowd.

Align your goals with your approach. Are you looking to grow your brand, find new markets, increase sales, or get more leads? While inbound marketing helps build trust slowly, outbound gets quick results in finding leads and making sales. Using both together can help you hit your business goals even faster.

Among 2,500 businesses showed that 40% of B2B companies use outbound methods to boost their brand, while 20% are looking for high-quality leads or new areas to expand.

Belkins State of Outbound Report

Final Thoughts

Both warm leads and fresh prospects have their place in a balanced strategy. Blend outbound reach with inbound nurturing for a holistic approach. No matter your choice, make sure it aligns with your goals and audience preferences. Remember, it’s all about balance and adaptability.

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Originally Published on Martech Zone: Inbound vs. Outbound Marketing in B2B: How to Make the Best Out of Both

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