Creating Loyal Brand Ambassadors and Strengthening Your Brand Through Quality UGC

We recognize that now, more than ever, influencers and brand ambassadors are taking on a much bigger role in determining the future of brands. We’ve been working with them for a long time and during this period, we’ve also been refining our approach with them.

Influencers play a significant role in shaping consumers’ purchase decisions:

New research shows that 69% of consumers are more likely to trust recommendations from people they know (family, friends, and influencers) than those from brands.


Even more surprising is that, according to the same report, 81% of consumers took action after seeing loved ones or influencers post about a product or service. 

However, a new study found that nearly 90% of consumers no longer trust influencers. Today’s consumers want authentic user-generated content (UGC). Data from the report also shows that 86% of shoppers are more likely to trust brands that publish content created by actual customers. 

The Drum

Just this year, we launched a new platform, Takefluence, to connect brands and content creators. With Takefluence, we’re aiming to create a dynamic ecosystem where content creators can enjoy streamlined process, from earning from campaigns to promoting offers.

What makes UGCs so special?

They’re much more effective than paid advertising or collaborations with external influencers. They’re also more valuable compared to traditional advertising content. That’s because this type of content is made by real customers or genuine fans of a brand. They’re often the kind of people who want to engage with their favorite brands, and they’re not looking for sponsorships or brand deals. 

Normally, we tend to scroll past ads without a second thought. However, organic content shared by people we know or trust is more likely to capture our attention.

So, how can brands leverage the influence of brand ambassadors? What value does working with them bring to businesses? How can brands cultivate influencer loyalty to create powerful and effective ambassador programs?

Redefining Brand Ambassadors

Businesses usually focus on building brand awareness and identity online. They want to optimize their marketing strategies to cater to changing consumer preferences and behavior. 

Working with brand ambassadors is one of the best things you can do to supercharge your marketing strategy. With brand ambassadors, you have advocates who promote your brand at little to no cost. They can help you reach new audiences, get social proof, drive brand awareness, and provide genuine recommendations for your audience. Plus, they give a sense of authenticity to your brand, something that many of today’s consumers want. 

The term influencer or ambassador is flexible, often referring to high-profile individuals who are handled by agencies. However, we focus on micro-influencers, who have a few thousand followers. These smaller influencers often provide better content quality and engagement. Our goal is to create a product that allows us to work efficiently with these influencers and capitalize on their value.

Harnessing the Potential of Brand Ambassadors for Growth

Even just one innovative solution can help brands leverage the potential of existing clients and customers. The idea is to utilize the audience who is already familiar with your brand and use them as a marketing force. You’ll be giving them tasks like driving sales with promo codes or creating UGC. Then, you’ll reward them accordingly. 

For example, when a brand asks users to follow them on social media or leave a review, they’re allowing them to become active participants. However, brands often fail to reengage these audiences after their initial interaction. 

We want to provide brands with a solution that will help them maintain a connection with their audiences and keep them engaged for future tasks and interactions. 

Over time, brands can build an audience of people who have interacted with them. In turn, these people can be used as a new marketing tool as all the content generated during this process is organic UGC. 

Through this model, you also have the opportunity to strengthen the trust that users already have for your brand. They’re already your customers, so there’s no need for you to sell your brand to them. Plus, loyal customers are highly unlikely to switch brands easily. Think of it this way: If you always buy a specific brand of milk, you’re not likely to switch brands overnight, just like tech users stick to either Android or Apple devices. 

This allows you to deepen customer loyalty by turning your existing customers into brand partners. This doesn’t happen when you work with a big-time influencer because there’s always a risk of them switching to your competitors for better rates. 

Tips for Cultivating Customer Loyalty and Creating an Effective Ambassador Program

So, how do you create your own ambassador program? Follow these recommendations to get started. 

Look Into New Ways of Creating Ambassadors

If you’re organizing an event, there’s a unique opportunity for you to transform your attendees into ambassadors in real time. For example, you can place a QR code at the center of every table. Then, invite attendees to create their own content by taking photos or making video reviews. This approach produces crowdsourced user-generated content that you can use for post-event analysis. 

Embrace New Technology

Use new technologies like AI to help your ambassadors produce quality content faster. These technologies can also enable you to verify content more efficiently. 

In addition, fintech solutions, particularly those focusing on embedded finance, can simplify the payment process for both brands and ambassadors. Brands can issue a virtual card instead of transferring their earnings to a bank. This card will also give them access to exclusive perks like discounts or cashback offers. 

Give Them the Support They Need

Make resources like clear brand guidelines, training materials, and tutorials easily accessible. Establish a dedicated communication line for continuous support. Ask them for feedback and incorporate their suggestions to enhance your program.

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Originally Published on Martech Zone: Creating Loyal Brand Ambassadors and Strengthening Your Brand Through Quality UGC

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