Harnessing AI for Data-Driven Marketing: Trends, Challenges, and Tips for Success

Marketing professionals are inundated with AI technologies and strategies to advance their marketing programs. AI and marketing work hand in hand by leveraging vast amounts of data to optimize campaigns.

But how are marketing professionals using AI to support their data-driven marketing?

Our friends at Ascend2 consistently provide marketing professionals with research on marketing trends to help them stay competitive. This year’s study, Data-Driven Marketing Trends 2024, examines the impact of AI on data strategies, data sources, technology trends, and more. 319 marketing professionals participated in the survey, and here are a few of the findings, along with tips you can implement in the coming months.

Finding #1: The Use of AI in Data-Driven Marketing is Growing (So Keep Up)

While only a small portion of respondents (11%) use AI extensively in their data-driven marketing efforts, a more significant segment (35%) is leveraging AI to a moderate extent, suggesting a growing but cautious adoption of AI technologies.

Additionally, 29% are using AI minimally, and 17% are not using it at all, highlighting that there are still significant barriers or gaps in AI integration within many organizations.

Notably, 8% of respondents plan to adopt AI in the future, indicating an upward trend in AI utilization as businesses recognize its potential benefits and seek to enhance their marketing capabilities through advanced technologies.

To capitalize on this trend, organizations should focus on educating their teams about AI benefits, investing in scalable AI solutions, and fostering a culture of innovation to stay competitive.

Tip: Invest in Scalable AI Solutions and Education for Gradual Integration

How can you get the ball rolling on using AI in your organization? Start by introducing AI in smaller, high-impact areas, such as targeting audiences (see finding #2) or personalized recommendations, and expand as your team becomes more familiar with its capabilities.

Team education and training should also be prioritized to bridge knowledge gaps and reduce resistance. Hold workshops and training sessions to demonstrate AI’s value, empowering your team to make data-driven decisions and encouraging a culture of continuous innovation. This approach will prepare your organization for deeper AI adoption in the future.

Finding #2: Use AI to Address Your Greatest Challenges

The data for 2024 highlights that the most significant challenge in executing a data-driven marketing strategy is targeting segmented audiences, with 45% of respondents identifying it as a critical issue. Another major challenge is real-time decision-making, at 32%.

Five tips on how to use AI to target and segment audiences:

Machine learning (ML) and Predictive Analytics
Since 45% of marketers identify audience segmentation as a key issue, leverage AI-powered tools like machine learning and predictive analytics to segment your audience more effectively. These tools can analyze vast customer data, identifying unique characteristics and behaviors to group customers into actionable segments. This way, you can tailor campaigns more precisely, addressing the segmentation challenge.

Enhance Personalization at Scale
AI enables hyper-personalized experiences for individual customers across large datasets, solving the challenge of offering tailored experiences at scale. By using Natural Language Processing (NLP) and customer behavior analysis, AI can predict preferences and suggest personalized content or product recommendations that resonate with each segment. Tools like Salesforce’s Einstein 1 Platform enhance engagement by generating personalized content for different audience segments.

Leverage Real-Time Decision-Making
With 32% of marketers noting the challenge of real-time decision-making, AI helps by providing real-time analytics and feedback loops. Use AI to track customer behavior across channels and optimize your campaigns. For example, AI can adjust ad placements and messaging based on current trends, improving the accuracy and relevance of your targeting efforts in real time.

Automate Customer Segmentation
AI tools such as HubSpot and Marketo can automatically segment your audience based on criteria like demographics, behavior, and interests. This saves time and increases segmentation accuracy, allowing you to target the right audiences with the right messages. AI simplifies audience segmentation by detecting patterns in data that manual methods might miss.

Predict Future Customer Behavior
Predictive AI allows marketers to foresee customer actions and trends, empowering them to design campaigns that meet future needs. By analyzing past behaviors and purchase histories, AI can predict which customers will most likely convert or engage, enabling you to target high-value segments with tailored campaigns and offers proactively. This approach enhances both retention and acquisition efforts.

By applying these AI-driven strategies, marketers can overcome challenges in segmentation and targeting, ultimately driving more precise and impactful marketing campaigns.

Finding #3: Use of AI in Data-Driven Programs

So, how are marketing professionals using AI to improve their data-driven marketing programs? A significant portion of respondents (33%) are utilizing AI to personalize marketing content, which is the most common application of AI in improving data-driven marketing programs. Improving customer service with chatbots (31%) and enhancing the accuracy of marketing forecasts (28%) are also prominent uses, indicating that AI is being leveraged to refine customer interactions and predictive analytics.

However, 23% of respondents are not using AI for any of these purposes, suggesting that while AI adoption is growing, a substantial group has yet to integrate AI into their marketing strategies.

Five tips on how to use AI to personalize marketing content effectively

Leverage Predictive Analytics for Tailored Recommendations
AI-driven predictive analytics can analyze past customer behavior to predict future actions. Use these insights to suggest personalized product recommendations, offers, or content that aligns with individual customer preferences. Platforms like Netflix and Amazon excel at this by offering tailored suggestions based on viewing or purchasing history.

Utilize AI-Powered Dynamic Content
You can create real-time dynamic content with AI that adapts to different user segments. For example, AI can automatically adjust email content, website visuals, or ad copy based on customer profiles, location, and behavior. Tools like Optimizely or Adobe Target enable marketers to personalize landing pages or email campaigns on the fly.

Incorporate Natural Language Processing for Customer Sentiment
Use Natural Language Processing to analyze customer feedback, reviews, or social media comments. AI can identify customer sentiment and critical topics, enabling you to craft marketing messages that resonate emotionally with your audience. By understanding what your customers care about, you can deliver content that speaks directly to their interests and needs.

Create Personalized Email Campaigns with AI
AI can optimize email marketing by segmenting your audience based on behavior, preferences, and interaction history. AI tools like Mailchimp or HubSpot can personalize subject lines, email body content, and delivery times for maximum engagement. These tools can craft tailored emails that resonate with each recipient, improving open rates and conversions.

Enhance Customer Experience with AI Chatbots and Virtual Assistants
Use AI-powered chatbots or virtual assistants to engage customers in personalized conversations. These AI tools can gather customer data, answer queries, and recommend products or services based on individual preferences and past interactions. Chatbots also provide real-time, tailored customer support, enhancing user experiences and increasing engagement.

By applying these AI techniques, you can deliver highly personalized marketing content that resonates with your audience, driving higher engagement and conversions.


As AI continues to reshape the landscape of data-driven marketing, it’s clear that businesses that embrace AI technologies can gain a competitive edge through enhanced personalization, better audience segmentation, and real-time decision-making. While AI adoption is still growing, marketers who invest in scalable AI solutions and educate their teams stand to benefit significantly from its capabilities.

For more in-depth insights and strategies on how AI can transform your marketing efforts, download the entire research report and explore additional studies at Ascend2.com.

Learn More From Leading Brands

Listen (or watch!) our limited-series podcast, Data-Driven Decisions, to hear directly from marketing leaders at companies including Salesforce, Seukisui House, and ON24 are using data to take their campaigns to new heights.


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