10 Video Marketing Stats to Guide Your Content Strategy in 2024

With more and more people regularly using online platforms to search for the products and brands they engage with, it’s a given that businesses need to pursue the digital route to promote their brands and offerings. Luckily, video marketing has allowed companies to seamlessly engage prospective buyers while nurturing brand trust

However, producing an effective video content strategy that actually delivers on your expectations requires a thought-out plan with hard data and research to back it up. 

To help you start making data-driven choices when producing that awesome marketing video you have in mind, we are going to take a closer look at ten relevant video-related statistics that will give you a better understanding of how you can use video strategically to connect with your audience and improve your overall results.

1. Today, Videos account for 82% of All Website Traffic

Given how the medium has skyrocketed in popularity over the last few years, the future of video content as a marketing tool looks promising. Estimated projections show that as of 2022, video brings in 82% of total internet traffic, performing 15x higher than it did in 2017 [source]

The growth and prominence of video content are undeniable, and with it becoming one of the most consumed forms of content, it won’t be losing momentum any time soon. 

Using a video-based content strategy to promote your brand is an essential way to appeal to potential leads online. One that no business, regardless of niche and industry, can afford to ignore. 

2. More Than Half of all Loyal Customers Prefer to be Educated Through Video

Successful marketing content convinces your audience of your brand’s ability to address their pain points. When doing this via digital platforms, you have to make clear what it is you can do for them, but also do it with persuasive messages through engaging content. 

Unlike written pieces and static graphics, videos can simultaneously educate and entertain your audience. Thus, they have the potential to drive better results in terms of engagement and conversions than emails, blogs, and infographics.

Internet users today value convenience above many other things. 54% of current customers would much prefer being engaged through video, not only because it’s easier to pay attention to but also because it requires virtually zero effort on their side to consume [source]. Which explains why videos have become a staple in most inbound marketing strategies.

54% of current customers would much prefer being engaged through video
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3. Over 80% Of Website Visitors Remember Embedded Video Ads. 

All marketers want the messages they share to stay in their audience’s minds for as long as possible. As it turns out, 80% of internet users remember a video ad they’ve watched on a website, and it can stay in their memory for up to 30 days [source]

This is why embedding marketing videos on your website can be a game changer. Not only can they make your brand more memorable, but they are much more effective than ads presented via third-party platforms. After all, they are more likely to encourage potential customers to make a purchase without needing to redirect them to other platforms.

80% of internet users remember a video ad they’ve watched on a website, and it can stay in their memory for up to 30 days
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4. Adding Videos to Emails Have Shown to Triple Click-Through Rates

With people’s inboxes being flooded with emails each week, marketers are continuously looking for new ways to have their emails stand out. 

That’s why integrating video content with email marketing strategies to generate higher click-through rates has grown in popularity. After all, an email containing video has a 90% open rate and 83.3% clickthrough rate [source]

Start by including the word “[Video]” at the start of your subject line. Then make sure to keep the email short, snappy, and enticing. Create an optimized space to let your video do most of the talking, and you’ll have an email campaign that your recipients will be far more likely to care about.

5. 70% of Online Shoppers Watch Videos to Guide Their Purchase Decisions

With online shopping quickly becoming the new normal, customers constantly need reassurance before purchasing a product or service, especially since they can’t experience it in person [source]

This is why videos have proven to be vital in the consideration stage of most businesses’ sales funnel.

Through recorded demos, tutorials, whiteboard animations, and other types of product videos, you can provide the next best thing to a hands-on purchasing experience and answer questions in your audience’s mind to get rid of any doubts. Thus, giving them the confidence they need to make a purchase and allowing your business to generate more conversions.

6. The Average Internet User Takes 8 Seconds Before Clicking off a Video

Did you know that the attention span of the average internet user has decreased from 12 seconds in 2000 to 8 seconds today? [source] 

That fact alone makes the first few frames of your video vital, so you have to give it your all in terms of polish and optimization. If you don’t, most viewers will click off before learning about your brand or its offering!

Creating a storyboard for your video before diving headfirst into production will give you ample opportunity to optimize your video’s beginnings. Hooking viewers means starting off with a bang, so brainstorm ideas on how to thrill, intrigue, and engage them at the start of your video.

The attention span of the average internet user has decreased from 12 seconds in 2000 to 8 seconds today
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7. 92% of video marketers reported that video gives them a positive ROI

Given that people are watching more than 15 hours of video content per week, marketers have noticed what a popular content medium it is. Thus they have begun integrating it into their strategy and let’s just say they’re more than happy with the results. [source]

Moreover, a staggering 95% of marketers agreed that video content had improved user understanding of their products and services. And because of this, they have noticed improved marketing results.

If you were experiencing any doubts about allocating part of your marketing budget to video content before, you can put them to bed now. It’s clear that in today’s oversaturated marketplace, quality trumps quantity. Video can be used to inform your audience in a way that actually produces results.

People are watching more than 15 hours of video content per week.
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8. 9 Out of 10 People Will Watch your Video via Mobile

People just aren’t engaging with videos on desktops like they used to. As mobile technology becomes more advanced, videos aren’t just more accessible via smartphones but are easier to watch as well. [source] 

What does that mean for your content marketing strategy? Well, now you should prioritize optimizing your videos for mobile viewing and going the extra mile to make your videos enjoyable to watch on the go. 

Consider using a portrait style for your content, with an aspect ratio of 9:16 to fill the phone screen and a resolution of 1080×1920 pixels. As well as following other mobile optimization trends, like ensuring mute play availability through captions. And on that note…

9. The Majority of Your Audience Will Watch Your Videos With The Sound Off.

Silent viewing, as odd as it may seem, is becoming an upcoming video marketing trend. 

Research has shown that 92% of mobile users won’t turn up the volume when watching videos [source]. This is likely why 50% of viewers will rely on captions to understand what is being discussed.

So, as part of your video optimization, you should consider adding closed captions to your to-do list. This way, people can watch your videos in public without worrying about causing any noise or disruptions.

10. 85% of marketers have used Video to Boost their Website SEO

Research has shown that Google search algorithms are more likely to rank websites with video content higher up on SERPs [source]. Algorithms want to provide internet users with relevant info and an enjoyable website experience – videos can fulfill both of these purposes.

Increased website ranking means higher exposure and more traffic. Adding content such as introductory videos and product adverts to your landing pages can improve your website’s SEO. Don’t forget to add transcripts to these videos, as they’ll be packed with keywords that also help with improving search engine visibility.

Wrapping Up

From the stats we’ve seen so far, it’s clear that videos can play a major role in improving sales and reaching your audience, but you also need to make data-driven decisions to create content that moves the needle in the right direction!

At the end of the day, it’s all about conveying information in a way that will inspire potential customers to take action and pursue your brand. Videos work as the perfect tool to communicate marketing messages because they are creative, engaging, and convenient. 

By including them within your content strategy, your business will be sure to see its marketing efforts pay off.

The post 10 Video Marketing Stats to Guide Your Content Strategy in 2024 appeared first on Convince & Convert.

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