From AI to Events: Key Insights for Marketing to Technical Audiences in 2024

The marketing landscape for engineers and technical professionals continues evolving rapidly, with digital channels increasingly playing a central role. The 2024 State of Marketing to Engineers Report, offers valuable insights for marketers looking to reach this specialized audience effectively.

Online Research Dominates the Buying Process

One of the most striking findings is that technical buyers now spend an average of 66% of their buying process online. This underscores the critical importance of having a strong digital presence and comprehensive online resources. Marketers should ensure their websites are optimized with detailed product information, technical specifications, and educational content to support buyers throughout their research journey.

Content Preferences Vary by Purchase Type

While datasheets remain universally important, the report reveals nuanced content preferences based on the type of purchase. Reviews, testimonials, and demos are significant for software and turnkey solutions. On the other hand, hardware purchases see high demand for CAD drawings. Marketers should tailor their content strategy to align with these preferences, creating diverse assets that cater to different stages of the buying process and types of solutions.

The Rise of Video and Podcasts

The consumption of work-related video and audio content has surged, with 97% of technical buyers watching work-related videos and 90% listening to work-related podcasts. This represents a significant opportunity for marketers to diversify their content formats. However, it’s crucial to note that technical depth and directness are valued over production quality. Marketers should focus on delivering substantial technical information efficiently when creating video content, avoiding lengthy introductions or irrelevant content.

Social Media Preferences for Work vs. Personal Use

YouTube, LinkedIn, and GitHub have emerged as the most valuable social media platforms for work-related information among technical buyers. Interestingly, these preferences differ from personal social media use.

Marketers should prioritize these professional-oriented platforms for their outreach efforts, tailoring content to each channel’s specific expectations and norms.

The Continued Importance of In-Person Events

Despite the digital shift, in-person events remain relevant, with 89% of technical buyers planning to attend at least one industry event in 2024. This highlights the enduring value of face-to-face interactions and the opportunity for marketers to create integrated campaigns that bridge online and offline experiences.

Navigating the AI Landscape

The report indicates a growing use of AI tools among technical buyers, with 63% regularly using them for work. However, trust in these tools remains mixed. Marketers experimenting with AI-generated content should proceed cautiously, ensuring transparency and focusing on providing credible, verifiable information.

Download the 2024 State of Marketing to Engineers Report

The 2024 State of Marketing to Engineers Report paints a picture of a technically savvy, digitally oriented audience that still values in-depth information and personal connections. For marketers, success lies in creating a robust digital presence, developing diverse and technically rich content, and strategically leveraging online and offline channels to engage with this unique audience throughout their buying journey.

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Originally Published on Martech Zone: From AI to Events: Key Insights for Marketing to Technical Audiences in 2024

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